Blog Posts

There is so much to write about Curacao! On this page you will find all kinds of blogs on all kinds of topics relevant to Curacao. Written by ourselves or by guest writers, but always fun to read and with useful tips and info.

  • Curacao inspiration: relax and be active

    You come to Curaçao because of “sun, sea & beach,” but Curaçao is so much more than that! If you want to be active, you can also be active on Curacao

  • Easter on Curacao (2024)

    Sunday, March 31, it is Easter. Of course it is also celebrated on Curacao, we give you the tips.

  • Beaches: Karakter

    Want a great day chilling at the beach? Or would you rather go to the pool? Or even better, do you want both? Then you can’t skip beach club Karakter and Rooftop bar Koraal. Karakter and Koraal are located at Coral Estate, a resort toward Westpoint consisting of private homes, vacation homes and a hotel.

  • Beaches: Lagun

    Of all the beaches on Curaçao, Lagun is surely a favorite for many. Beautifully located between the two cliffs, all kinds of amenities and it slopes gradually so also ideal with children. A topper!

  • Curacao inspiration: Culture, Nature & History

    Of course you come to Curaçao because of “sun, sea & beach,” but Curaçao is so much more than that! Do you also enjoy fully immersing yourself in the history and culture of your vacation destination? And do you want to not only completely unwind, but also learn something? Then Curaçao is the destination for you.

  • Living in a Curacao country house

    Curacao still has dozens of country houses from the 17th and 18th centuries. Some are ruins and by far uninhabitable. But there are also mansions that are still in good condition, often restored and fine to live in. A perfect example is Huize Batavia in Otrobanda.

  • Lunch & Coffee on Curacao

    In Curaçao, you have many nice places for a delicious coffee or tasty lunch. You can choose a place lovely in the air conditioning or with a sea view. To give you some guidance, we’ve listed a few of our favorite coffee & lunch spots.

  • Curacao Carnival 2024

    Saturday, January 6, Curacao’s Carnival season once again opened in festive fashion at the Curacao Festival Center. Carnival is celebrated grandly in Curacao and various events are organized until Feb. 17, 2024.

  • Shete Boka National Park

    Besides the beautiful beaches with clear blue water and soft white sand, Curacao also has beautiful rugged nature. To discover that, you have to go to the north coast. Tip for this: go to Shete Boka National Park.

  • Discover the top of Curacao: climb Mount Christoffel

    Christoffel Mountain, at apr. 1,220 ft. above sea level, towers proudly over Christoffel Park, a protected nature reserve encompassing of almost 20,000 acres of flora and fauna on the west side of Curacao. Climbing this impressive mountain offers not only a physical challenge, but also a unique opportunity to explore Curaçao’s diverse ecosystem.

  • Christmas dinner on Curacao

    Christmas in Curacao is the busiest time of the year with tourists. And of course, many residents of Curacao also go out to eat at Christmas. Hence, many restaurants go the extra mile. See the restaurants with the tastiest Christmas dinners here.

  • Manors of Curacao

    Curaçao has a rich history and this is still visible in the many traditional manors that can still be seen all over the island. And at some you can also go inside.

  • Beaches: Kokomo

    Kokomo is typically one of those beaches where everyone loves to come and it is always pleasant. A bit in between the city and Banda Abou and “Instagram-famous” because of the big swing.

  • Beaches: Cas Abou

    Curacao has many beautiful beaches, but according to many, Cas Abou is the most beautiful beach of all. We can understand why!

  • Manor Bloemhof

    Curaçao is not only sun, sea and beach, scattered across the island you will find over 80 country houses, still intact, often with a rich history. A special and well-maintained one is Manor Bloemhof.

  • Beaches: Jan Thiel

    One of the most famous beaches in Curacao is undoubtedly Jan Thiel beach. A lovely beach, equipped with every comfort and with plenty of beach bars and nice shops around it.

  • Beaches: Playa Kalki

    Is it no objection for you to drive a little further than most tourists do, but be able to discover a beautiful beach? If so, be sure to take a day trip to Playa Kalki. A beautiful beach where you can completely unwind.

  • Locations to (look forward to)….

    There are also criminals on Curacao who prey on tourists. Where should you be especially careful?

  • Beaches: Daaibooi

    One of the first beaches you encounter when you leave town and drive toward the west side of Curaçao for a nice beach is Daaibooi. A lovely little beach where many locals also come to enjoy themselves. Extra plus: Kees’s snack bar!

  • Beaches: Blue Bay

    Blue Bay is best known as a large resort for vacationing and living. But did you know that the beach at Blue Bay is also more than worth it? Plenty of palm trees, sunbeds, catering and activities.

  • Beaches: Kleine Knip and Grote Knip

    The beaches Kleine Knip and Grote Knip are the more famous beaches of Curacao. Almost every tourist has been there, but Curacao locals also like to come here. And we understand that quite well!

  • Portuguese Man-of-War at Curacao

    In the sea off Curacao, you may encounter a Portuguese Man-of-War a few times a year. What is it and what to do if you are pricked?

  • Curacao 2024: new accommodations

    In Curacao you have many accommodations for a wonderful vacation. But what are the new accommodations that are really worth considering ifor your 2024 vacation?

  • The 5 best beaches on Curacao for families

    Met meer dan 30 stranden op Curacao heb je volop keuze voor een heerlijke stranddag. Maar het ene strand is […]